Toxic Water

A study released in 1988 by Ralph Nader’s Center for Study of Responsive Law in Washington, DC, shows that much of the nation’s drinking water is unsafe: Tests conducted in 38 states found over 2,000 toxic chemicals in the drinking water.

About 10 percent of these chemicals are associated with causing cancer, cell growths, neurological damage, and birth defects. Thousands of chemicals found in our water supplies have never even been tested for safety.

 A joint study by the EPA and the National Academy of Sciences has attributed 200–1,000 US deaths each year to the inhalation of chloroform from water while bathing.

 So what’s in the water Americans are drinking?

Here is a partial list of the unwelcome additions that have been found in drinking water:

  • arsenic, a known carcinogen and poison

 In 2009, The New York Times report, “That Tap Water Is Legal but May Be Unhealthy”, brought to light the fact that Safe Drinking Water Act was sorely out of date and that the EPA’s lenient standards allowed small amounts of contaminants to creep into our water. The article outlines multiple findings of high arsenic levels, but that’s no surprise to the CDC. Their 2013 report revealed, according to The Center for Public Integrity, revealed that “ most Americans regularly consume small amounts of arsenic.” And arsenic levels deemed acceptable by the FDA in foods like rice are making matters worse.

  • asbestos, a known carcinogen,
  • cadmium, a cause of arteriosclerosis, kidney damage, and cancer,
  • lead, which causes learning disabilities in children,
  • mercury, which causes nervous-system and kidney damage,
  • nitrites, which are a possible carcinogen that also interfere with the body’s oxygen metabolism, viruses and bacteria,
  • 1,1,1-trichloroethane, a cause of liver damage and depression,
  • 1,1-dichlorethylene, which causes depressed central nervous system and cancer,
  • benzene, which causes chromosomal damage in humans, anemia, blood disorders, and leukemia,
  • chloroform, which causes cancer, 
  • dioxin, an extremely toxic carcinogen,
  • ethylene dibromide, which causes male sterility and cancer,
  • polychlorinated biphyl (PCB), which causes liver damage, skin disorders, and GI problems and is highly suspected of causing cancer


Atrazine is also an endocrine disruptor, with negative effects on reproduction including miscarriage and birth defects, and has been linked to cancer. It’s also pervasive, showing up in samples more than a decade after being banned in France.

According to the Pesticide Action Network of North America, it’s present in 94% of US drinking water as per USDA testing. In 2009, the NRDC found that many drinking water systems across the Midwest and the South have been contaminated with it as well.

Recently, evidence of imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid pesticide, has been found in drinking water, as reported by the Washington Post. Scientists warn that this should be “cause for alarm”. Imidacloprid is one of the world’s best selling pesticides. In 2016, a study linked neonicotinoids to the decimation of bee populations.

For decades, we’ve been taught that fluoride is healthy for you and your family, and is an essential tool to prevent tooth decay. But is that the case? New studies show that claims of fluoride’s safety and usefulness may have been overstated by the dental community. The University of York conducted a review of the existing studies of the benefits of fluoride and found that the scientific evidence was weak at best. They determined that more studies need to be done to see if the benefits of fluoride outweigh the risks. That said, fluoride is toxic if you are exposed in large quantities and babies should not be exposed to it.

That might not be so easy. Today, fluoride is being added to our drinking water in cities and towns across America. Often, fluoridation is introduced at higher than recommended levels, because oversight and regulation are lacking as towns rush to add it.

Washington’s Blog did an expose on this and discovered that “neither the EPA or any other government agency has studied the effects of long-term ingestion of fluorosilicic acid.” The article also shows that this chemical has been shown to increase the uptake of lead in children,  and its use correlates to an increase in violence. In addition, fluoride, in general, may lower IQ. Residents across America are opposed to this medicine being added to our water supply but have no say in the matter.


“No longer can anyone assume the 500 chemicals in the average U.S. municipal water supply are without side effects on the body….

When the brain is unable to detoxify some of these chemicals, it actually manufactures chloral hydrate in the brain… [producing] the symptoms of brain fog.”

—Sherry Rogers, MD  |  author of Tired Or Toxic


In 2008, NBC News reported on an Associated Press (AP) study that found pharmaceuticals in the drinking water of 41 million Americans, including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones, although in very low levels. More recently, the New Republic reported on a 2013 EPA study which found that wastewater treatment plants contained pharmaceuticals ranging from oxycodone to Tylenol, with at least 25 drugs found in affected samples. This contaminated runoff can come from pharmaceutical companies, improper disposal of drugs in your home and hospitals, farms, cemeteries, sewage, and anything that runs down our drains. Prior studies have shown that wastewater treatments don’t necessarily remove all the drugs from the water.

“A nine-month investigation by the Guardian and Consumer Reports found alarming levels of forever chemicals, arsenic and lead in samples taken across the US”

CR and the Guardian selected 120 people from around the US, out of a pool of more than 6,000 volunteers, to test for arsenic, lead, PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), and other contaminants. The samples came from water systems that together service more than 19 million people.

A total of 118 of the 120 samples had concerning levels of PFAS or arsenic above CR’s recommended maximum, or detectable amounts of lead. Testing of the samples showed:

  • More than 35% of the samples had PFAS, potentially toxic “forever chemicals”, at levels above CR’s recommended maximum.
  • About 8% of samples had arsenic, at levels above CR’s recommended maximum.
  • In total, 118 out of 120 samples had detectable levels of lead.
  • A new study from Johns Hopkins raises newfound concerns about the most common water treatment found in American tap water.
  • Researchers identified new toxic and carcinogenic byproducts that are produced when chlorine is added to regular drinking water. Their findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences & Technology.

Do I really need to continue? I think you get the message. Our drinking water is not safe!

One thousand deaths occur every year from chloral hydrate poisoning while taking a shower.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Have your water tested. Several companies will run a laboratory test to see if your water is safe. Look in your local phone book under “water quality” or “laboratories, testing.”
  • Don’t rely on just any purchased bottled water as a solution. Sixty million plastic bottles a day are disposed of in America alone! Massive amounts of greenhouse gases are produced from manufacturing these bottles, and millions of gallons of fuel are wasted daily transporting filtered tap water across America and around the world. Good grief!

Why? Buy and reuse glass bottles instead, and when you do buy water, make it “natural spring” or distilled water. Even better-use a home filtration system.

  • Filter your water at home. Home water filtration is the most logical, most economical, most convenient, and healthiest alternative to tap or bottled water.

Clearly Filter Is Having A Black Friday Sale

Save some money and avoid those toxins!


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